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[en] The mechanism of the exclusive A(p,π+)B reaction was studied. The different theoretical approaches are classified, with regards to the interaction used (fundamental interaction or phenomenological interaction), as DWBA or triangular graph calculations. Computed results have been compared to the measured values of the analyzing power. For pd→tπ+(3Heπ0) the DWIA phenomenological model leads to rather good agreement with experimental data. Results concerning the pion production in the inclusive A(p,π+) reaction are briefly reviewed together with the role of baryon resonances, and coherence phenomena. Some results on N-N interaction are given
On a etudie le mecanisme de reaction exclusive A(p,π+)B. On classe les differentes approches theoriques en fonction de l'interaction utilisee (interaction fondamentale ou interaction phenomenologique) en calculs DWBA ou graphe triangulaire. Les resultats du calcul ont ete compares aux valeurs mesurees du pouvoir d'analyse. Pour pd→tπ+(3Heπ0) le modele phenomenologique DWIA conduit a un assez bon accord avec les mesures experimentales. On passe rapidement en revue les resultats sur la production de pions dans les reactions inclusives A(p,π+), le role des resonances baryoniques, les phenomenes de coherence. On signale quelques resultats concernant l'interaction N-NOriginal Title
Reactions (p,π+)
Primary Subject
Laboratoire National Saturne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); p. 213-238; ISBN 2-7272-0030-7; ; 1978; p. 213-238; Meeting on Saturne II; Aussois, France; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
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[en] πN elastic data are first discussed as regards to the extensive families of resonances which has emerged from the envisaged picture; πN elastic is then envisaged as the best place to look for other resonances remaining undiscovered (particularly πN→eta N and π-p→Λ0K0 channels); the situation for K+N is shown to be much less happy as data are not conclusive though some phase shift analyses claim a very inelastic K+p resonance near 1 GeV/c
Primary Subject
Laboratoire National Saturne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); p. 307-312; ISBN 2-7272-0030-7; ; 1978; p. 307-312; Meeting on Saturne II; Aussois, France; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
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[en] The use of the proton and deuteron polarized beam from Saturne II (500 MeV - 3 GeV) will allow the knowledge in nucleon-nucleon interaction to be enlarged and the interpretation of nucleon-nucleus experiments. Measurements planned are: np total cross sections with polarized beams (50 MeV energy intervals), n-p and p-p forward differential cross sections, polarization at very small angles, and the Wolfenstein parameters. The measured values will be used to derive the scattering matrix
L'utilisation du faisceau polarise de protons et de deutons a Saturne II (500 MeV-3 GeV) va permettre d'elargir la connaissance de l'interaction nucleon-nucleon et l'interpretation des experiences nucleon-noyaux. Les mesures projetees concernent: les sections efficaces totales, n-p avec cible et faisceau polarises avec des intervalles de 50 MeV, les sections efficaces differentielles n-p et p-p vers l'avant, la polarisation aux tres petits angles et les parametres de Wolfenstein. Les parametres mesures seront utilises pour la determination de la matrice de diffusionOriginal Title
Diffusion nucleon-nucleon - Experience
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Laboratoire National Saturne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); p. 6-12; ISBN 2-7272-0030-7; ; 1978; p. 6-12; Meeting on Saturne II; Aussois, France; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
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[en] The experimental areas at Saturne were revised at the time of its restoration (4000 m2 approximately) they are intended for 12 leading units corresponding either to chief equipments (SPES 1, SPES 2, and 3 on the same target, SPES 4 GeV/c and the nucleon-nucleon experiment), or to multivalent beams some of which being limited to 1.8 GeV momentum others accepting particles of maximum momentum. The replacement of some old equipments has been undertaken in view of improving reliability and versatility. The collector rack is in course of construction. The organization of the computer system is discussed: hardware, sofware; the improvements to beam detection are examined: extension of detector performance (strong beams, heavy ions), improvement of their reliability, computer control. The needs in magnetic measurement are of two sorts: quadrupoles sextupoles, beam bending magnets ... able to be translocated and tested with a fixed bench - the analyzers and spectrometry magnets to be measured in situ
Les aires experimentales de Saturne ont ete revues au moment de sa renovation, 4000 m2 environ destines a 12 postes principaux correspondant d'une part aux equipements majeurs (SPES 1, SPES 2 et 3 sur une meme cible, SPES 4 GeV/c et experience nucleon-nucleon), d'autre part a des faisceaux polyvalents soit limites a des impulsions de 1,8 GeV soit acceptant les particules d'impulsion maximale. On a entrepris le remplacement d'equipements vetustes et recherche une augmentation de fiabilite et de souplesse. La grille de commutation est en cours de realisation. On explique l'organisation generale du systeme informatique: le materiel, le logiciel, on examine les ameliorations apportees a la detection de faisceau: extension des possibilites des detecteurs (faisceaux de forte intensite, ions lourds) amelioration de leur fiabilite et informatisation des commandes et controles: les besoins en mesures magnetiques sont repartis en deux categories - les quadrupoles sextupoles aimants de deviation etc... qui sont deplaces et mesures sur banc fixe - les analyseurs et aimants de spectrometrie mesures sur placeOriginal Title
Les nouvelles aires experimentales de Saturne II
Primary Subject
Laboratoire National Saturne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); p. 171-205; ISBN 2-7272-0030-7; ; 1978; p. 171-205; Meeting on Saturne II; Aussois, France; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
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[en] The Superhilac-Bevatron linking at the Bevalac of Berkeley accelerates heavy ions up to energies of 200-2500 MeV per nucleon. The study of heavy ion collisions has introduced two concepts: the discrimination between peripheral and central collisions, and the kinematic representation of the inclusive cross sections of particle production, by means of contour-lines of the invariant cross section in the plane of the two dimensionless variables y and ν (y is the fragment rapidity, ν the ratio of the transverse moment with regards to the fragment mass). As for peripheral collisions, measurements dealt with the fragmentation at 00 of C, N, O, Ne and Ar ions (from 1.05 up to 2.1 GeV/nucleon), and the fragmentation of the light ions Be, C, Cu, Pb (400, 1050, and 2100 MeV/nucleon) with pion production. As for central collisions the studies were concerned with: the fragmentation and particle production in the streamer chamber, the heavy fragment production with high energy neutrons, the production of light particles a 1800, or pion multiple production from 3.5 to 15.20, the production of fragments at high transverse momentum, and of pions low energy. The construction of a new spectrometer HISS (Heavy Ion Spectrometer System) is predicted
L'association Superhilac-Bevatron au Bevalac de Berkeley accelere les ions lourds jusqu'a des energies allant de 200 a 2500 MeV par nucleon. L'etude des collisions entre ions lourds relativistes a introduit deux notions: la destruction entre collisions peripheriques et collisions centrales et la representation cinematique des sections efficaces inclusives de production d'une particule par des courbes de niveaux de la section efficace invariante dans le plan des deux variables sans dimension y et ν (y est la rapidite du fragment, ν est le rapport de l'impulsion transverse a la masse du fragment). Pour les collisions peripheriques les mesures ont porte sur la fragmentation a 00 d'ions C, N, O, Ne et Ar (1,05 a 2,1 GeV/nucleon) et la fragmentation d'ions legers Be, C, Cu, Pb (400, 1050 et 2100 MeV/nucleon) avec production des pions. Pour les collisions centrales on a etudie: la fragmentation et production de particules dans la chambre a streamers, la production de fragments lourds a haute energie de neutrons, des particules legere a 1800, ou de 3,5 a 15,20, la production multiple de pions, la production de fragments a grandes impulsions transverse, de pions a basse energie. On prevoit la construction d'un nouveau spectrometre HISS (Heavy Ion Spectrometer System)Original Title
Ions lourds relativistes: experiences en cours et en projet au Bevalac de Berkeley
Primary Subject
Laboratoire National Saturne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); p. 102-124; ISBN 2-7272-0030-7; ; 1978; p. 102-124; Meeting on Saturne II; Aussois, France; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
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[en] Cryebis is a confined multicharged ion source intended for Saturne II. The source is briefly described with its status of advancement. Its chief qualities are: the confinement time, neutralization time, and the number of ions per pulse. The ionization without ion accumulation seems to be of interesting in the case of a radius of the electron beam greater than 1 mm and a maximum flux of polarized atom
La source Cryebis est une source d'ions multicharges a confinement destinee a Saturne II. On decrit rapidement cette source et son etat d'avancement. Ces caracteristiques essentielles concernent: les temps de confinement, le temps de neutralisation, le nombre d'ions par impulsion. L'ionisation sans accumulation d'ions parait interessante avec un rayon de faisceau electronique superieur a 1 mm et un flux d'atomes polarises maximumOriginal Title
La nouvelle source d'ions lourds et de particules polarisees de saturne II
Primary Subject
Laboratoire National Saturne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); p. 132-145; ISBN 2-7272-0030-7; ; 1978; p. 132-145; Meeting on Saturne II; Aussois, France; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
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[en] The SATURNE and GANIL accelerators will produce heavy ions beams to be visualized. In view of studying such a display system, one line of the ALICE accelerator at Orsay has been equiped with a wire chamber of the type of SATURNE and tested (19 September 1977) with using an oxygen beam. A second test was effected at the TANDEM at Saclay (30 September 1977) also with using an oxygen beam. The results are extrapolated to Saturne II operational conditions
Les accelerateurs SATURNE et GANIL produiront des faisceaux d'ions lourds qu'il sera necessaire de visualiser. Pour etudier un tel systeme de visualisation, une chambre a fils type SATURNE a ete installee sur une ligne de l'acceleratuer ALICE d'Orsay, et essayee le 19 Septembre 1977 aec un faisceau d'oxygene. Un second esai a ete fait au TANDEM de Saclay le 30 Septembre 1977, egalement avec un faisceau d'oxygene. Les resultats sont extrapoles aux conditions de Saturne IIOriginal Title
Essais de profileurs de faisceau en ions lourds
Primary Subject
Laboratoire National Saturne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); p. 206-212; ISBN 2-7272-0030-7; ; 1978; p. 206-212; Meeting on Saturne II; Aussois, France; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
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[en] Indicated specifications of Saturne II are summed up: performance of the injection system, quality of the guidance field (magnetic measurements and multipolar corrections), transverse and longitudinal instabilities, characteristics of the beam stored in the machine and of the extracted beam. The problem of depolarization along the acceleration cycle is briefly discussed (1 or 2% between injection and 3 GeV)
On recapitule les caracteristiques nominales du faisceau de protons de Saturne II: performance du systeme d'injetion qualite du champ de guidage (mesures magnetiques et corrections multipolaires), instabilites transversales et longitudinales, caracteristiques du faisceau stocke dans la machine et du faisceau extrait. On discute rapidement du probleme de la depolarisation au cours du cycle d'acceleration (1 ou 2% entre l'injection et 3 GeV)Original Title
Saturne II: caracteristiques du faisceau de protons, qualites de champ et corrections, acceleration des protons polarises
Primary Subject
Laboratoire National Saturne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); p. 78-83ter; ISBN 2-7272-0030-7; ; 1978; p. 78-83ter; Meeting on Saturne II; Aussois, France; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
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[en] It is said how (heavy ion reactions at E>100MeV/nuclear being the only way to produce highly excited, and compressed, nuclear matter in a reasonably controlled way) Saturne II cover very well the region where projectile stops and can investigated the beginning where 4 intrinsic nucleonic degrees of freedom set in NN reversible NΔ reversible NNπ
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Laboratoire National Saturne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); p. 125-131; ISBN 2-7272-0030-7; ; 1978; p. 125-131; Meeting on Saturne II; Aussois, France; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
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[en] The experimental problems posed by the study of transfer reactions at intermediate energies are briefly examined. Some experimental data are then shown, and their meaning is discussed with regard to the simplest model. That can be probed (direct transfer of one neutron in Born approximation), before to go deeper into the various aspects of the reaction mechanism and present some results: (4He(p,d)3He, 12C(p,d)11C, 6Li(d,p)7Li; and 6Li(p,π+)7Li, 16O(d,p)17O). Some possible extensions are then discussed
On examine brievement les problemes experimentaux poses par l'etude des reactions de transfert a energie intermediaire. On presente ensuite quelques faits experimentaux en discutant leur signification par rapport au modele le plus simple qu'on puisse verifier (transfert direct d'un neutron en approximation de Born), avant d'aborder une discussion plus approfondie des divers aspects du mecanisme de reaction accompagnee d'une presentation de quelques resultats. (reactions 4He(p,d)5He, 12C(p,d)11C, 6Li(d,p)7Li et 6Li(p,π)7Li, 16O(d,p)17O). On discute ensuite de quelques extensions possiblesOriginal Title
Reactions de tranfert a energie intermediaire
Primary Subject
Laboratoire National Saturne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); p. 290-306; ISBN 2-7272-0030-7; ; 1978; p. 290-306; Meeting on Saturne II; Aussois, France; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
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