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[en] The Conference gathered representatives of more than 25 countries and international organizations. In the Conference among with actual problems of current environment conditions in Kazakhstan, perspective trends in the field of radiation protection, radio-ecological and radiobiological research and issues of international co-operation in support of non-proliferation regime, other advanced scientific projects were considered
В конференции приняли участие более чем 25 стран и международных организаций. На данной конференции обсуждались актуальные проблемы современной радиационной обстановки Казахстана, перспективные направления в области обеспечения радиационной безопасности, радиоэкологические и радиобиологические исследования, а также вопросы международного сотрудничества в поддержку режима нераспространенияOriginal Title
Tezisy 3. Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferentsii 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'
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2008; 92 p; Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7;
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Strilchuk, Yu.G.; Osintsev, A.Yu.; Kuzin, D.E.; Bryantseva, N.V.; Bozhko, V.V.; Tonevitskaya, O.V.; Panitskaya, D.S.; Lukashenko, S.N.; Georgievskij, V.; Murley, R.; Wells, D.
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
[en] Nuclear explosions were not the only type of tests carried out on the STS territory. In 1953 - 1957 the STS territory was the area of testing of combatant radioactive substances (CRS). Combatant radioactive substances were liquid or powder-like combatment radioactive mixtures manufactured either from the wastes of radiochemical industry or by neutron irradiation of specally selected substances in nuclear reactor. Their specific activity ranged from tenths of Curie to several Curie per liter. CRS tests were made on testing grounds ''4'' and ''4A'' situated near northern outpost beyond the Opytnoye Pole (Experimental field). Dispersion of CRS was achieved by blasting of individual shells, bombardment of the area by mortar shells, bombardment from aircraft bombers or dispersion of CRS from airplanes. Investigations carried out in the past years on the territory of the testing grounds discovered fragments of metal products used in the CRS tests and over 30 areas of local radioactive contamination. 90Sr was the main radioactive pollutant, whose specific activity in upper soil is as high as 5*108 Bq/kg; other radionuclides are presented by isotopes: 239+240Pu, 152Eu, 154Eu, 137Cs, 241Am, 60Co. The areas of radioactively-contaminated soil range from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of square meters with some of them expanding to distances of several kilometers. Concentration of radionuclides in soil and vegetation may be compared with that of radioactive waste
Original Title
Radiatsionnye posledstviya ispytanij boevykh radioaktivnykh veshchestv na territorii Semipalatinskogo Ispytatel'nogo Poligona
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Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 92 p; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7; ; 2008; p. 71-73; 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008
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Character and levels of radioactive contamination for Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site aqueous medium
Subbotin, S.B.; Lukashenko, S.N.; Bakhtin, L.V.
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
[en] Full text: Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site (SNTS) territory belongs to the left-bank of the Irtysh river regional hydrological system. The main direction of groundwater motion is north-north-east. Groundwater discharge is to the Irtysh river. The Shagan water-short river is the only surface waterway on the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site territory. It flows along the eastern boundary of the SNTS and is a left-bank tributary of the Irtysh river. In other case the surface flow has seasonal nature mainly. On the SNTS territory underground nuclear explosions were made in lateral mine workings - adits and upright mine workings - boreholes. 90Sr is the main radioactive pollutant of adit waters on the Degelen testing ground according to results of radio-ecological investigations and tritium is the main radioactive pollutant of groundwaters according to data of borehols and springs. On the remainder testing grounds where underground nuclear explosions on the STS territory were being carried out (Balapan, Sary-Usen, Telkem) tritium is the main radioactive pollutant also. Any peculiarities in spreading of artificial radionuclides 90Sr and 137Cs in groundwaters did not determine because of their low concentration. At the same time tritium concentration in ground water samples ranges from MDA (minimally detected activity) to the values 500 times exceeding the intervention level, which is equal to 7,7 kBq/l for population established by NRB-99 (Radiation Safety Norms) for water and food intake. Partly contaminated ground waters in the east end of Balapan testing ground flow into surface waters of Shagan river. Tritium concentration in area of polluted groundwaters inflow into Shagan underwaters exceed the intervention level for population of more than 50 times. To study theprocesses of radionuclide migration in ground waters at non-studied SNTS areas and to evaluate water quality in the water usage objects, in 2007 water samples were taken in about 200 wells and boreholes in the places where ground waters had not been studied before including several wells of the state monitoring system. The results showed that concentration of artificial radionuclides in ground waters in the sampled areas did not exceed MDA. In single cases, in wells and boreholes, high tritium concentrations were detected but they were lower than the intervention level for population. Chemical composition of ground waters showed that concentration of many heavy metals, to various extents, exceeds maximal permissible levels established for drinking water. Special attention should be paid to the beryllium concentration. Its concentration in the studied samples exceeds standards for drinking water for and order of magnitude. Therefore, detection of ecological-geochemical characteristics of the environmental conditions on the SNTS is at least of the same importance problem as studying consequences from nuclear tests and requires special attention
Original Title
Kharakter i urovni radioaktivnogo zagryazneniya vodnoj sredy Semipalatinskogo Ispytatel'nogo Poligona
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Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 92 p; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7; ; 2008; p. 34-36; 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008
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Toshiaki Ogiu; Yoshiro Aoki; Sadayoshi Kobayashi; Shizuyo Kusumi; Jiro Inaba; Kenzhina, G.; Berezin, S.; Zhotabaev, Zh.; Berezina, M.; Sekerbayev, A.; Lukashenko, S.
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
[en] Full text: The National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNC RK) and the Radiation Effects Association (REA, Japan) are now jointly carrying out 'Study on Health Effects of Radiation in Residents in and around the Former Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site (STS)' commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japanese Government. This joint study between Kazakhstan and Japan was initiated in 2001 in response to the request from the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to the resolution of the 53rd United Nations General Assembly in 1998 for providing the Kazakhstan with medical, environmental, economical and humanitarian assistance to the residents in and around Semipalatinsk Test Site. The purpose of the study is to obtain scientific evidence on the health effects of chronic and repeated long-term exposure to low level mixed (external and internal) radiation in residents in and around Semipalatinsk Test Site, and thereby to provide fundamental scientific information on the nature and extent of health effects that might have been incurred by such exposures. The mode of this type of exposure (chronic long-term mixed radiation) is conceivable in the current situation of exposure such as occupational exposure, but different from those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan where the exposure was mainly acute and external. In this study, exposed populations are consisting of residents of Dolon, Znamenka, Karaul, and Kainar (Semipalatinsk population - 1) and that of Southern Beskaragai Region including Mostik, Cheremushki, Bol'shaya Vladimirovka, Malaya Vladimirovka, Budene, Semenovka, etc. (Semipalatinsk population - 2). Control populations are consisting of residents of Kenzhekol, Kenes and Zhanaaul (Pavlodar Population - 1) and that of Kachiry, Irtyshsk and Sherbakty (Pavlodar Population - 2). As of the end of July, 2008, personal data (date of birth, gender, race, etc.) were collected for 117,300 persons, including 46,400 of exposed population. Among exposed population, number of persons whose residential history between 1948 and 1963 were obtained, that means whose dose can be calculated, is 18,200. Out of the latter, vital status was checked for 14,800 persons (alive, 7000; dead, 7800). Control population was not used in statistical analysis at present, because it has not been long after study of this population had been initiated. Individual radiation doses were calculated with use of calculating formula advocated by Gordeev et al. Among causes of death in exposed population, circulatory disorders were 42%, followed by neoplasms, mainly that of esophagus and stomach. Relationship between radiation dose and cause of death was analyzed using data of exposed population. The positive trend between effective dose and mortality from malignant neoplasm and that from circulatory disorders was suggested by the tentative statistical analyses. However, further accumulation of data is clearly needed. Therefore, when vital status in 20,000 victims becomes clarified, the study should be proceeded further as a prospective epidemiological study being able to trace almost all of the exposed persons in near future. Since only 10 and few cohort studies that focused on radiation effects in 20,000 or more people were cited in the Report of UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation), the present project may become a valuable addition to the relevant literature in the world. Eventual results of this project will provide internationally important information for assessing radiation effects on a population who had been exposed repeatedly and chronically to external and internal irradiation. (This study is a part of projects supported by Special Accounts from MEXT, Japan)
Primary Subject
Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 92 p; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7; ; 2008; p. 41-43; 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008
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Boyanov, S.
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
[en] Full text: Dynamics of distribution of radionuclides depends on permeability of geological medium and processes proceeding in Earth crust. The role of channels for distribution of radioactive solutions play cracks, breaks and water proof layers. The speed of distribution of solutions depends from hydraulic connection of different structures and tanks. As a result of explosion in geological medium the quantity of defects is increasing and can be activate the old (healed) cracks. Under natural periodic forces generated by various oscillatory modes of Earth crust the stress and deformation state cyclically changes. It results change of the pressure in hydraulic system and pumping out the water from central part of disturbed zone. The solutions aspire in area of smaller pressure i.e. in active geodynamic zones in which are moving further. The localization of such zones, situated on large depth and blocked by thick not disturbed layers is the important task. We developed equipment and technique for the decision of this task. Localization of the active, geodynamic zones is based on research of dielectric properties of the top part of a geological section, which change in results of electromagnetic fields created by an active break (by a geodynamic zone). In the paper the physical basis and design of the equipment is described. The test results of equipment in various geodynamic condition are shown. Use of the submitted equipment and techniques allows to localization of the subvertical active infringements, to predict of the path of contaminated solutions as well as to define the optimal points for localization of the monitoring boreholes
Primary Subject
Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 92 p; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7; ; 2008; p. 52; 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008
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Strilchuk, Yu.G.; Osintsev, A.Yu.; Kuzin, D.E.; Bryantseva, N.V.; Tonevitskaya, O.V.; Zhadyranova, A.A.; Kashirskij, V.V.; Korovina, O.Yu.; Lukashenko, S.N.
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
[en] Full text: Band coniferous forests are located at the right bank of Irtysh river in two oblasts of Kazakhstan - East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar.This is a unique and only forest of this type. Something similar to this natural treasure with climate-regulating, sanitary, soil-protective, water-preserving functions can be found in Canada only. Total area of the band forest comprises 870500 hectares. The forest is mainly presented by pines (Pinus silvestris). These forests are of relict nature and are of great environmental, social and economic value. The band forests located in northern, north-western and western parts of SNTS were subjected several time to radioactive impacts from atmospheric nuclear tests performed at SNTS. Nuclear clouds from 12 ground and 28 atmospheric explosions passed over these territories. Four nuclear tests performed on 29th of August 1949, 29th of July 1955, 7th of August 1962 and 26th of November 1962 resulted in higher radiation dose rates registered on land there. It seems that this particular tests stipulated radioactive contamination of the forests. The first nuclear test performed on 29th of August 1949 resulted in considerable radioactive contamination of the band forests. Contamination was registerd in Novopokrovskij and Beskaragajskij districts of Semipalatinsk oblast as well as in several districts of Altai Territory. The second test that could bring radioactive contamination to the forests was performed on 7th of August 1962 when instead of planned atmospheric explosion, there was achieved surface explosion with comparatively high radioactive contamination of the lands towards Altai Territory. Within the State program ''Forest preservation and expansion of forest in the Republic of Kazakhstan'' there was performed in 2006 a radiological surveying of the lands in pipe forest of near-Irtysh region. There were studied soil and vegetation as well as woods of the band coniferous forests. Part of territory, wherethrough nuclear clouds went, was investigated along six profiles spacing 2 kilometers between points of investigation. Remaining territory of forests was investigated by the use of small-scale net spacing 10x20 km. Exceeding concentrations of radionuclides in the environment has been revealed on the lands limited by: from the North - Kurchatov - Malaya Vladimirovka, and from the South - Chagan - Dzhelandy. Specific activity of radionuclides in soil lies within the limits: 137Cs < 1-3.8*102, 90Sr <1-1.2*102, 239+240Pu < 1-3.6*102 Bq/kg what exceeds the background values for 25, 18 and over 100 times, respectively. The majority of newly introduced radionuclides remain in the top 10 cm of the soil (about 80-90%). At the same time, major accumulation of the radionuclides has been registered in the forest litter. Maximal values of specific activity achieve the following numbers: 137Cs - 6.3*102, 90Sr - 2*102 Bq/kg. Exceeding contents of 137Cs, 90Sr, 239+240Pu at investigated territories were mainly registered within radioactive fallout traces of the first nuclear explosion. No exceeding over background values has deen registered on other lands
Original Title
Radioehkologicheskoe sostoyanie lentochnykh borov
Primary Subject
Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 92 p; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7; ; 2008; p. 73-74; 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008
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Travkina, A.V.; Stepanets, O.V.; Borisov, A.P.; Ligaev, A.N.
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
[en] Full text: The Arctic Basin plays a very impotant role inpreservation of ecological equilibrium on earth. This area is a region of formation of global atmospheric processes and it is the natural filter for the contaminated streams. The sources of contamination of Arctic Basin are different and world spread. They could be local like direct dumps including industrial pollution and operation of vehicles and global ones like Nothern hemisphere fallout or trans-boundary transfer. One of the most important sources of radioactive pollution of Russian Arctic area is the Great Siberian Rivers runoff. PO Mayak is wery well-known reprocessing plant, which can be very dangerous contaminator due to connection with Kara Sea throw rivers Techa-Iset-Tobol-Ob water system. On the other hand functioning of Krasnoyarsk mining industrial plant leads to radionuclide contamination of Yenisey river and as a consequence to pollution of Arctic Basin. For researching speciation and migration of man-made radionuclides in the water environment determinations of plutonium-239, 240 and cesium-137 activities have been carried out. The region under investigation was Ob River-mixing zone-adjunct part of Kara Sea. In order to study geochemical behaviour data on cesium-137 and plutonium-239 activities in different fractions of bottom sediments were obtained. For separation of special types of contamination from various sources plutonium-240/plutonium-239 isotopic ratios were studied. Numerous techniques including α-ray, γ-ray spectrometry, icp-ms and a-ms have been used. Summarized the researches, carried out during last years, it has shown a significant difference in behaviour and migration of plutonium and cesium isotopes in the system river-estuary-adjunct part of the sea
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Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 92 p; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7; ; 2008; p. 24; 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008
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Kashaganova, Zh.A.; Zhapbasov, R.; Kadyrova, N.Zh.; Karimbaeva, K.S.; Mamyrbaeva, A.N.; Altaeva, N.Z.
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
[en] Full text: Kazakhstan territory is unique including regions with radioactive pollution of Semipalatinsk nuclear test territory and storage of radioactive waste of uranium mines and metallurgy enterprises, and regions of drying Aral sea. These technogenic factors may cause some types of chromosome aberrations and developmental anomalies in mammals. The level of mutagenesis was estimated basing on chromosome aberrations and genomic mutation frequencies in bone marrow cells of natural rodents populations (Allactaga major Kern, Allactaga saltator Eversman, Cytellus eritrogenus Br.) and domestic animals (sheep, cattle, horse), which inhabit these regions. Sheep populations which are bred in the regions with different climatic conditions were used for teratological investigations. Different generations are met in the populations of mice family rodents caught in the nature. So studying the animals of different ages separately we can estimate the frequency of mutations in the animals of different age inhabiting the same radiation polluted regions. The frequency of chromosome abe rations in mice family rodents from such territories was twice as high as from the clear territories. In some animals chromosome aberration types characteristic for radiation mutagenesis (dicentrics, double acentric fragments) were found. High level of cytogenetical instability in somatic cells of agricultural animals which were bred on the pastures within former nuclear test territories for several generations may be caused by chronic radiation in low doses. The analysis of the spectrum of recorder chromosome aberrations in somatic cells and their dynamics in different animal species inhabiting for several generations these territories being chronically irradiated, allows us to investigate the direction of genetical evolution of mammals genofond structure induced by ecological factors. Comparative analysis of the frequencies of spontaneous abortuses, deadborn and newborn animals with innate developmental anomalies in the flocks bred in different environment conditions may obtain essential information about the influence of the negative anthropogenic environmental factors on the animals genotype. Indeed, different developmental anomalies frequency was recorded for the sheep populations from different environments and different selection directions which were carried out for many years. It was found that some types of innate developmental anomalies caused by environmental factors. Endogenic factors also Contribute to etiology of some developmental anomalies. In some lambs with innate anatomical defects about 47% bone marrow cells displayed chromosome aberrations and genomic mutation
Primary Subject
Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 92 p; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7; ; 2008; p. 43-44; 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008
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Subbotin, S.B.; Lukashenko, S.N.; Larionova, N.V.; Yakovenko, Yu.Yu.
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
[en] Full text: The Shagan river is the only surface waterway on the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site territory. It flows along the eastern boundary of the SNTS and is a left-bank tributary of the Irtysh river. The length of the Shagan riverbed is 275 km with an average slope 0.003, which changes considerably from one part of the riverbed to the other. Within the Balapan testing ground the length of the riverbed is about 50 km, and the slope angle is, on average, 0.002. The watershed area of the left-bank part of the testing ground, where testing wells are located, is about 900 km2. In 2006 during radio-ecological investigations of the SNTS aquatic environment, scientists determined contamination of the Shagan river with radioactive products of nuclear explosions. The main radioactive pollutant is tritium. Maximal tritium concentration in the river waters (40*104 Bq/l) was registered 4.7 km away from the Atomic lake at levels of more than 50 times higher than the maximal permissible level for drinking water. As the distance from the Atomic lake increases, tritium concentration in the Shagan waters considerably decreases, and in the place of its confluence with the Irtysh rivertritium concentration in water becomes 10 Bq/l, which is equal to MPL (maximal permissible level) used for equipment. A complex of scientific investigations including hydrogeological, hydrological and geophysical investigation showed that tritium contamination of the Shagan waters is caused by the discharge of contaminated ground waters from the testing ground Balapan. In 2007 additional investigations of the river ecosystem showed that surface waters of the river in addition to tritium contained 90Sr, and bottom sedimentations were contaminated with 60Co, 152Eu, 154Eu and 137Cs. It should be noted that concentration of 90Sr in water reaches the level comparable with intervention level established by NRB-99 (Radiation Safety Norms) for water and food intake. By the character of tritium and 90Sr distribution in water, it was established that the radionuclides have absolutely different sources. Whereas the nature of tritium presence in the water is quite understandable, the source of 90Sr has not been studied yet. To determine the reasons for noticeable increase of the 90Sr concentration in water and the ways of its proliferation into the river, additional investigations are necessary. Possible mechanisms for 90Sr proliferation into the river may be its inflow with ground waters, plane washing off, washing out of 90Sr from contaminated man-made soils of Atomic Lake by atmospheric precipitations. The present-day situation is complicated by active development of pasture cattle breeding and stocking of fodder crops within the bank zone of the shagan river. High tritium concentration, up to 24000 Bq/l, was also registered in the vegetation of the river-bank zone. The presence of tritium was detected in animal products produced by farms situated on the banks of the Shagan river. Tritium concentration in milk samples reaches 5.0*103 Bq/l, which does not exceed maximal permissible values but requires thorough investigation of the problem as tritium concentration in the Shagan waters may vary in a wide range
Original Title
Radioactivnoe zagryaznenie tekhnogennymi radionuklidami komponentov ehkosistemy reki Shagan
Primary Subject
Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 92 p; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7; ; 2008; p. 80-81; 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008
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Kadyrzhanov, K.K.; Lukashenko, S.N.
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
[en] Full text: Since the Semipalatinsk Test Site has been stopped and up until now, National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNC RK) in cooperation with other specialist from Kazakhstan and international scientific community have accumulated large scope of information about current radiological situation at Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site (SNTS) and adjacent territories. There were revealed all important spots of radioactive contamination, identified main pathways and mechanisms for present and potential proliferation of radioactive substances. Obtained data assure us that present-day SNTS provides no negative impact on population on adjacent to the Site territories excluding people in the water basin of the river Shagan. Compliance with regulatory requirements and special rules for SNTS territory assures radiation safety at commercial activities on the Site. At the same time, the radiological situation does not remain stable; there were revealed the processes of radionuclide migration what requires regular monitoring of radiological situation at SNTS. Taking into account the scale of the Site and the variety of tests performed there, the information available about SNTS can not be completely exhaustive but enables us to propose a scientifically grounded plan for further research and practical measures aimed at remediation and reclamation of lands. implementation of such measures should return up to 80% of the lands to commercial use. SNTS is one of the world largest nuclear test sites with decisive contribution to creation and development of nuclear weapon. To considerable extent, these were works at SNTS which established nuclear parity between the superpowers one of the crucial factors in the history of human civilization in the 20 century. Also taking into account the interest to SNTS paid by international organizations, it is reasonable to initiate a procedure and recognize SNTS as a landmark including it in the UNESCO List of Cultural and Nature Heritage. UNESCO status would foster re-evaluation of the approaches and attitude towards the Site and, quite possibly, to lowering of radio-phobia in Kazakhstan increasing national proud. Territory of the test site remains a unique area in terms of opportunities it provides for various researches in radioecology, geochemistry of radioactive elements, radio-biology, and other fields. So, it should be quite promising to establish at SNTS an International Natural-Sciences Laboratory for Radio-Ecology. The first step towards this might be creation of IAEA Radiation Ecology Collaboration Center under the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology NNC RK. Certain areas at SNTS can not be used now and in the observable future for conventional commercial activities. At the same time these lands can profitably be used for bringing there enterprises of nuclear power cycle. Particular need in Kazakhstan exists for disposal of radioactive waste accumulated in Kazakhstan. It is therefore reasonable to establish at SNTS a facility for processing and long-term storage (disposal) of radioactive waste. thus, now the former test site has so many unique qualities that their proper development and utilization would inevitably result both in new achievements in advanced science and in noticeable commercial outcomes for the national economy
Полный текст: С момента закрытия полигона до настоящего времени Национальным ядерным центром Республики Казахстан (НЯЦ РК) совместно с другими специалистами казахстана и международным научным сообществом получен большой объем информации относительно текущей радиационной обстановки на СИП и прилегающих территориях. Выявлены все значимые участки радиоактивного загрязнения, выявлены основные пути и механизмы текущего и потенциального распространения радиоактивных веществ. Полученные данные позволяют сделать вывод, что в настоящее время СИП не оказывает негативного влияния на население, проживающего на прилегающих к нему территориях, за исключением населения, проживающего в зоне влияния реки Шаган. Соблюдение норм закона и специально разработанных правил, распространяющихся на деятельность на территории СИП, обеспечивает радиационную безопасность при осуществлении хозяйственной деятельности на СИП. Вместе с тем, радиоэкологическая ситуация не является стабильной, выявлены процессы миграции радиоактивных веществ, что вызывает необходимость проведения регулярного мониторинга радиационной ситуации на СИП. Безусловно, учитывая масштабность СИП и многообразие проведенных испытаний, имеющаяся информация не является исчерпывающей, но позволяет предложить научно обоснованный план исследовательских работ и практических ликвидационных (ремедиационных) мероприятий. Результатом этих работ должен стать ввод до 80% земель СИП в народнохозяйственный оборот. СИП являлся одним из трех крупнейших мировых ядерных полигонов, обеспечивающих разработку и совершенствование ядерного оружия. В значительной степени именно работы на СИП обеспечили ядерный паритет сверхдержав, который являлся одним из важнейших факторов, определивших общее направление всемирного исторического развития в 20 веке. Учитывая также интерес, проявляемый к СИП зарубежными организациями, целесообразно начать работы по приданию комплексу объектов СИП статуса памятника, включенного в Список Всемирного культурного и Природного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Статус памятника ЮНЕСКО приведет к переоценке подходов и отношения к СИП и, возможно, к снижению уровня радиофобии в Казахстане и повышению уровня национальной гордости. Территория СИП остается уникальной с точки зрения возможностей проведения экспериментальных научно-исследовательских работ в области радиоэкологии, геохимии радиоактивных элементов, радиобиологии и др. Учитывая это, чрезвычайно перспективным может быть организация на территории СИП международной естественно-научной лаборатории радиоэкологического профиля. Первым шагом в этом направлении может стать создание на базе профильного подразделения Национального ядерного центра Республики Казахстан Института радиационной безопасности и экологии Коллаборационного центра МАГАТЭ в области радиоэкологии. Некоторые территории СИП ни в настоящее время, ни в обозримом будущем не будут являться пригодными для традиционной хозяйственной деятельности. Вместе с тем данные территории с успехом могут быть использованы для размещения производств атомного комплекса. В частности, актуальной для Казахстана является проблема утилизации радиоактивных отходов, накопленных в Казахстане. В связи с этим, целесообразно создать на территории СИП Республиканский комплекс по переработке и долговременному хранению (захоронению) радиоактивных отходов. Таким образом, и в настоящее время бывший Семипалатинский испытательный полигон обладает таким количеством особых свойств и качеств, развитие и должное использование которых неизбежно приведет как к научным достижениям мирового уровня, так и значимым достижениям промышленного характера для экономики КазахстанаOriginal Title
Perspektivy issledovaniya i razvitiya Semipalatinskogo Ispytatel'nogo Poligona
Primary Subject
Natsional'nyi Yadernyi Tsentr Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan , Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 92 p; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7; ; 2008; p. 12-13; 3. International scientific-practical conference on Semipalatinsk Test Site - Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008
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