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[en] The document presents Statement to the 41st Session of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Statement to the 52nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly made at the 40th anniversary of the IAEA
Primary Subject
Dec 1997; 42 p; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); 41. session of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency; Vienna (Austria); 29 Sep 1997; 52. session of the United Nations General Assembly; New York, NY (United States); 12 Nov 1997; IAEA-PI--C25E
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In the presented Annual Report the activities of the Nuclear Physics Division of the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Warsaw University in 1994 are described. The report consist of three sections: i) Reaction Mechanism and Nuclear Structure (12 articles); ii) Experimental Methods and Instrumentation (2 articles); iii) Other Research (1 article). Additionally the list of seminars held at the NPD, personnel list and list of published papers is also given. In the first, leading article of the report written by head of NPD prof. Ch. Droste the general description of the Department activity is presented
Primary Subject
1995; 99 p
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This report is submitted to the Meeting of the AFRA Representatives pursuant to Article VII.3 (e) of the African Regional Co-operative Agreement (AFRA). It covers the activities undertaken under AFRA during the period September 1996 to June 1997 with particular reference to the implementation of the co-operative projects. The report thus sets forth a schedule of work and modalities for the implementation of projects, shows the resources made available, the distribution of resources to the various components of the projects and the utilization of the resources. This document contains relevant information on AFRA programme and can be considered as a major reference source for AFRA Member States, observers as well as donors
Original Title
African regional co-operative agreement for research, development and training related to nuclear science and technology
Primary Subject
Sep 1997; 179 p
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This report consolidates several performance-related reports into a single financial management report. Information in this report includes information previously reported in the following documents: (1) US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) annual financial statement, (2) NRC Chairman's annual report to the President and the Congress, and (3) NRC Chairman's semiannual report to Congress on management decisions and final actions on Office of Inspector General audit recommendations. This report also contains performance measures. The report is organized into the following subtopics: information about the US NRC, program performance, management accountability, and the audited financial statement for Fiscal Year 1996. 19 figs., 4 tabs
Primary Subject
1997; 87 p; Also available from OSTI as TI97006297; NTIS; GPO
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Gammon, R.B.
Second conference on nuclear science and engineering in Australia, 1997. Conference handbook1997
Second conference on nuclear science and engineering in Australia, 1997. Conference handbook1997
[en] Full text: Activity in neutron scattering science in Australia has increased in the last three years since the McKinnon Report, and continues to engage first-class scientists whose world standing is recognised by their ability to access overseas facilities. Neutron scattering is an important research area for Australia, with increasing importance in new materials and processes, but industrial appreciation of neutron scattering's role in material science is lacking. Neutron scattering research needs access to an Australian reactor neutron source for local and regional activities and if continued access to advanced overseas facilities is expected. A reactor neutron source is complementary to, rather than superseded by, access to synchrotron radiation sources or spallation neutron sources. A new Australian facility should be designed to fulfill a regional role, building on Australia's strengths in instrumentation and experience in operating such a research facility. The promotion of neutron scattering techniques, especially in an industry context, and issues relating to access to the current facilities need to be addressed. Questions remain about the future state of physical sciences in Australia, and of the organisation of the funding of Australian science, which are relevant to neutron science but whose outcomes cannot be determined at present. The presentation will refer to the four key Figures attached which are provided from the report commissioned by the Executive of the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) and completed in February 1997 by Professor G. S. Laurence, University of Adelaide
Primary Subject
Australian Nuclear Association Inc., Peakhurst, NSW (Australia); 163 p; ISBN 0 949188 10 7; ; 1997; p. 55-60; Australian Nuclear Association Inc; ANA'97: Second conference on nuclear science and engineering; Sydney, NSW (Australia); 16-17 Oct 1997; 4 figs.
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Chmielewska, D.; Infeld, E.; Zupranski, P.
Soltan Inst. for Nuclear Studies, Otwock-Swierk (Poland)1997
Soltan Inst. for Nuclear Studies, Otwock-Swierk (Poland)1997
[en] In the presented report the research activities of the Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS) in year 1996 are described. The report is divided into parts in which the research in SINS departments and laboratories are described and namely in: Department of Nuclear Reactions, Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Technique, Department of Nuclear Electronics, Department of Radiation Shielding and Dosimetry, Department of Plasma Physics and Technology, Department of High Energy Physics, Department of Cosmic Radiation Physics, Department of Atomic Nucleus Theory, Department of Radiation Detectors, Department of Accelerator Physics and Technology, Sections for Standards and Patents and Establishment for Nuclear Equipment. All sections include an introduction in which whole of mentioned department activity is briefly presented. Additionally the information about: list of personnel, seminars held at the department and published papers is given
Primary Subject
1997; 191 p; ISSN 1232-5309;
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Here is the progress report for the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lyon.We find physics at Lep, R and D for CMS at LHC( Higgs boson search in the L3 collaboration, quark b physics in Delphi at Lep 100,electromagnetic calorimetry for CMS-RD18 program, CMS experiment at LHC: MSGC development), hadronic and nuclear matter(heavy ions in CMS, multifragmentation threshold, spectroscopy of superdeformed nuclei with EUROGAM), astro-particles(gamma and neutron radioactive background measurements, bolometric measurement, scintillating crystal characterization for dark matter detection, the Virgo optics), ions/clusters-matter, physico-chemical transformation by ion-solid interaction are some examples of studies realized during these two years. (N.C.)
Original Title
Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon - Rapport d'activite 1994-1995
Primary Subject
1994-1995; 159 p
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Each progress report is a collection of individual reports, categorized by subject matter. They are a documentation of the contractor's progress, rendered by themselves on standardized forms, published, for the sake of general information on progress made in investigations concerning reactor safety, by the project attendance department of the GRS. The individual reports have serial numbers. Each report includes particulars of the objective, work carried out, results obtained and plans for project continuation. (orig.)
Jeder Fortschrittsbericht stellt eine Sammlung von nach Sachgebieten geordneten Einzelberichten dar, die von den Auftragnehmern selbst als Dokumentation ihres Arbeitsfortschritts in einheitlicher Form erstellt und von der Forschungsbetreuung in der GRS (GRS-FB) im Rahmen einer allgemeinen Information ueber Fortschritte von Untersuchungen zur Sicherheit kerntechnischer Anlagen herausgegeben werden. Die Einzelberichte geben die Meinungen und Auffassungen der jeweiligen Auftragnehmer wieder und muessen nicht mit der Meinung des auftraggebenden BMU uebereinstimmen. Jeder Bericht enthaelt u.a. Angaben ueber Zielsetzung, durchgefuehrte Arbeiten, erzielte Ergebnisse und geplante Weiterarbeit. (orig.)Original Title
Berichte ueber vom Bundesminister fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit finanzierte Auftraege auf dem Gebeit der Sicherheit kerntechnischer Anlagen 1990. (15. Jahresbericht ueber SR-Vorhaben)
Primary Subject
Aug 1991; 188 p; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The KTA in 1990 issued six new KTA rules, and amended six existing rules. Six new rules were prepared up to draft stage, and six drafts for amendment were passed, while the revision of seven existing rules found no reason for amendment, and two procedures for amendment were initiated. Ending 1990, there were 80 established rules, 8 drafts, 14 drafts in preparation, 2 preliminary reports in preparation, and 13 procedures for amendment in progress, of which seven drafts were laid open for public inspection. The Annex to the Annual Report presents a complete list of all documents and procedures, divided into established rules and procedures in progress, inlcuding procedures for amendment. (orig.)
Im Jahr 1990 wurden sechs Regeln aufgestellt und sechs Regeln geaendert. Es wurden weiterhin sechs Regelentwuerfe zur Aenderung von Regeln beschlossen. Bei sieben Regeln ergab die faellige Ueberpruefung, dass sie nicht geaendert zu werden brauchen. Regelaenderungsverfahren wurden fuer zwei Vorhaben eingeleitet. Als Ergebnis der KTA-Beschluesse umfasst das KTA-Regelwerk: 80 Regeln, 8 Regelentwuerfe, 14 in Vorbereitung befindliche Regelentwuerfe und 2 in Arbeit befindliche Vorberichte. Dreizehn Aenderungsverfahren sind im Gange, bei sieben davon lag der Entwurf zur Aenderung der Regel der Oeffentlichkeit zur Stellungnahme vor. Im Anhang wird eine Uebersicht ueber alle Vorhaben gegeben. Die Uebersicht ist aufgeteilt in aufgestellte Regeln und alle Vorhaben, die sich noch in Arbeit befinden, einschliesslich der Aenderungsverfahren. (orig.)Original Title
Kerntechnischer Ausschuss (KTA). Jahresbericht 1990
Primary Subject
1991; 40 p; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Every year, hundreds of scientists from developing countries are awarded fellowships for training and study programmes covering peaceful applications of nuclear energy in medicine, agriculture, industry, and other fields. In the process, they frequently become key links in the effective transfer of technology and knowledge for social and economic development in the Third World
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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