Nuclear medicine in urology and nephrology
[en] The subject is covered in sections, as follows: (part 1, techniques) renography, renal imaging, clearance studies, bone scanning; (part 2, clinical applications) obstructive uropathy, space-occupying lesions of the kidney, renovascular hypertension and renal failure, paediatric problems and congenital abnormalities, urinary tract trauma, metastatic disease, renal transplantation; (part 3, basic principles) physics (atoms, radioactive decay, interaction of radiation with matter), instrumentation (sodium iodide scintillation detector, rectilinear scanner, scintillation camera, nuclear medicine computer system), radiopharmaceuticals (used for clearance studies, for renal imaging, for renography), mathematics, dosimetry. (U.K.)
Primary Subject
1979; 201 p; Butterworths; London; ISBN 0 407 00151 4;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue