[en] The possible formation of cobalt complexes with some amino acids were demonstrated in artificial seawater and their physico-chemical characteristics were determined by means of adsorption on chelating resine, solvent extraction with dithizone, gel filtration or paper electrophoresis. Additionaly a new mono-glycinato complex of nitrosylruthenium which was formed by the reaction of trichloro-nitrosylruthenium with glycine was also studied by isotachophoresis. The experimental results suggest that the complex formation of Co ions or the nitrosylruthenium complex with amino acids proceeds slowly, unless the reactants are highly concentrated
Original Title
cobalt or nitrosylruthenium complexes
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); 409 p; ISBN 92-64-02053-5; ; 1980; p. 275-280; OECD; Paris, France; Symposium on marine radioecology; Tokyo, Japan; 1 - 5 Oct 1979
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