Start-up of the positron-electron source for the VEPP-4
Vasserman, S.B.; Veshcherevich, V.G.; Grishanov, B.I.
Proceedings of the 6. All-union conference on charged particles accelerators. V. 11979
Proceedings of the 6. All-union conference on charged particles accelerators. V. 11979
[en] A description is given of a positron source based on a high-current linear accelerator and the B-4 450 MeV synchrotron for the VEPP-4 storage and the results obtained when testing it are presented. 200 KeV electrons are in ected and accelerated in two sections of the linear accelerator to 7 MeV. In the conversion unit the electrons are focused onto the converter, and the 7 MeV obtained positrons are transferred to the B-4 synchrotron where they are accelerated to 450 MeV. To excite the linac use is made of a gyrocon which converts the energy of the electron beam of the ELIT accelerator into the energy of electromagnetic oscillations. The gyrocon output power of the order of 40 MW has been obtained. The linac makes it possible to obtain an electron beam at 36 MeV. A positron beam has been detected behind the first bending magnet. Tuning the B-4 synchrotron has begun at the 7 MeV electron beam. The electron beam is trapped in the VEPP-3 storage
Original Title
Zapusk pozitron-ehlektronnogo istochnika dlya VEhPP-4
Primary Subject
AN SSSR, Moscow; Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR); p. 128-131; 1979; p. 128-131; 6. All-union conference on charged particle accelerators; Dubna, USSR; 11 - 13 Oct 1978; 5 refs.; 3 figs.
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