Detecting gravitational radiation with quartz crystals
Strayer, D.M.; Papini, G.; Ramadan, B.; Tward, E.
Proceedings of the second Marcel Grossmann meeting on general relativity1982
Proceedings of the second Marcel Grossmann meeting on general relativity1982
[en] At the University of Regina a gravity wave detector is being constructed, using in the present instance, a single crystal bar of quartz as antenna. The apparatus can accomodate metallic antennae as large as 250 Kg of Nb or, in turn, 100 Kg of Al. The several benefits of cooling the antenna are obtained by operating the experiment at low temperature. Though presently work is at 1 K and 4.2 K, the cryostat is designed to reach temperatures near 3 millikelvin using adiabatic demagnetization. The signal derived when the piezoelectric crystal vibrates is passed through a superconducting transformer to a low-noise SQUID amplifier. The authors present results that have been obtained in the past two years. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Ruffini, R. (ed.) (Rome Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Fisica); International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy); 567 p; ISBN 0 444 86357 5; ; 1982; p. 1227-1234; North-Holland; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 2. Marcel Grossmann meeting on general relativity; Trieste (Italy); 5 - 11 Jul 1979
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