Plant Monroe Sulfurmeter evaluation
Ruby, J.D.; Wood, T.R.; Brown, D.R.
Bechtel Corp., San Francisco, CA (USA)1982
Bechtel Corp., San Francisco, CA (USA)1982
[en] The performance of an apparatus for measuring continuously the sulfur content of coal entering a 3000-MW electric generating power station is described. The apparatus, known as a Sulfurmeter, interrogates a sidestream of coal in a nondestructive fashion using prompt neutron activation analysis (PNAA). Preceding the Sulfurmeter is a coal-handling facility that blends a 1% S coal with a 3% S coal. The Sulfurmeter is used to evaluate the blend, which must meet an emission standard of 3.68 lb of SO2/106 Btu when fired. Sulfur measurements by the PNAA apparatus were compared with those from traditional ASTM chemistry - satisfactory agreement was obtained
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Apr 1982; 160 p; Available from NTIS., PC A08/MF A01 as DE82903672
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