Method for activating solids in inhomogeneous neutron fields
Kaestner, R.; Lange, H.; Schmidtke, B.
Zentralinstitut fuer Kernforschung, Rossendorf bei Dresden (German Democratic Republic)1982
Zentralinstitut fuer Kernforschung, Rossendorf bei Dresden (German Democratic Republic)1982
[en] The described method is based on the homogeneous and defined distribution of radiation effects, particularly in activating and doping large amounts of solids by neutrons. Existing field inhomogeneities are compensated by moving the solids in the irradiation field
Original Title
Verfahren zur Aktivierung fester Stoffe in inhomogenen Neutronen- strahlungsfeldern
Primary Subject
6 Oct 1982; vp; DD PATENT DOCUMENT 156990/A/; Available from BUCHEXPORT, DDR-7010 Leipzig
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