Modification of the SUPERTOG program for operation with libraries containing tabulated densities of the elastic scattering anisotropy
[en] For the calculation of the group-to-group transfer matrix with the SUPERTOG program it is necessary to specify the data for the anisotropy of the elastic scattering with the coefficients of expansion of the density function into Legendre polynomials. For all materials of the ENDL library and for some materials from FNDF/B-IV the information for the scattering anisotropy is specified as tabulated values of the density function itself. For these materials the existing versions of SUPERTOG are inapplicable. The modification of the SUPERTOG program prepared by the authors makes the calculation of the elastic scattering matrix possible using the two ways of anisotropy setting. A method based on approximation with orthonormal polynomials is used for computing the required coefficients within the process of the program itself. This procedure takes up less than 15% of the SUPERTOG machine time. (authors)
Original Title
Modifikatsiya programmy SUPERTOG, primenimaya k bibliotekam s tabulirovannymi plotnostiyami anizotropii uprugovo rasseiyaniya
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Yadrena Energiya; ISSN 0204-6989; ; v. 18 p. 40-48
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue