High-vacuum pumping out of hydrogen isotopes by compressed and electrophysical pumps
Bychkova, A.D.; Ershova, Z.V.; Saksaganskij, G.L.; Serebrennikov, D.V.
General and nuclear physics1982
General and nuclear physics1982
[en] To explain the selection of parameters of vacuum systems of projected thermonuclear devices, experiments are performed on the pumping-out of deuterium and tritium by high-vacuum pumps of different types. The values of the fast response of turbomolecular, diffusion vapour-mercury, magneto-discharge and titanium getter pumps in the operation pressure range are determined. The rate of sorption of hydrogen isotopes by non-spraying gas absorber of cial alloy depending on the amount of the gas absorbed and temperature, is measured. Gas current is determined by the pressure drop on the diagram of the known conductivity. Individual calibration of manometric converters for different gases using a mercury burette is performed preliminarily. The means of high-vacuum pumping-out that have been studied have the following values of fast response for tritium (relatively to protium): turbomolecular pump-0.95; evaporation getter pump-0.25; magneto-discharge pumps-0.65-0.9; cial alloy-0.1...0.5
Original Title
Vysokovakuumnaya otkachka izotopov vodoroda komprimiruyushchimi i ehlektrofizicheskimi nasosami
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tekhniki; no. 3(21); p. 3-8; 1982; p. 3-8; 4 refs.; 11 figs.; 2 tabs.
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