Study of radioprotective effect of biogenous monoamines
Smirnova, I.B.; Dontsova, G.V.; Konstantinova, M.M.; Yanushevskaya, M.I.
The problems of natural and modifyed radiosensitivity1983
The problems of natural and modifyed radiosensitivity1983
[en] Ways of protective effect of serotonine adrenaline, noradrenaline and its synthetic analogue isoppoterenol on cells in vivo and in vitro are discussed. It is shown that the effect results from the organism incorporated effect of the compounds by means of hypoxia conditions creation and direct effect on the cell. This can include the therapeutic effect
Original Title
Issledovanie protivoluchevogo vliyaniya biogennykh monoaminov
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
AN SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Biologii Razvitiya; AN SSSR, Moscow. Nauchnyj Sovet po Problemam Radiobiologii; p. 198-205; 1983; p. 198-205; Nauka; Moscow (USSR); 14 refs.; 8 tabs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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