Evaluation of selected epidemiological studies on patient groups exposed to radiation
Kaul, A.; Elsasser, U.; Hinz, G.; Kossel, F.; Martignoni, K.; Nitschke, J.; Stephan, G.
Hypotheses in radiation protection1985
Hypotheses in radiation protection1985
[en] The question has to be examined from a medical point of view whether or not the additional diseases of breast cancer and leukaemia as well as genetic effects are exclusivley due to the impact of ionizing radiation or whether or not additional noxae like drugs or non-malignant tissue changes as cofactors enhance the assumed carcinogenic effect of radiation. An analysis of literature showed that additional epidemiological studies on stochastic radiation effects are needed in order to confirm the actual rise level of radiation exposure. (DG)
Original Title
Bewertung ausgewaehlter epidemiologischer Studien an strahlenexponierten Kollektiven
Primary Subject
Leppin, W. (Albertinen-Krankenhaus, Hamburg (Germany, F.R.)); Meissner, J. (Kiel Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Strahlenschutzseminar); Boerner, W. (Wuerzburg Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin); Messerschmidt, O. (Laboratorium fuer Experimentelle Radiologie, Neuherberg/Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)); Strahlenschutz in Forschung und Praxis; v. 25; 260 p; ISBN 3-13-452501-1; ; 1985; p. 61-90; Thieme; Stuttgart (Germany, F.R.); 24. annual meeting of the Vereinigung Deutscher Strahlenschutzaerzte e.V. and radiation protection conference: Hypotheses in radiation protection; Reinbek (Germany, F.R.); 27-28 May 1983
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