[en] The author gives a survey of the progress made on radioimmunodetection. Antibodies may now be more readily used in scintigraphy as a result of the development of labeling methods that apply more suitable radionuclides without significant loss of the antigen-binding activity. Antibodies to tumor-specific or tumor-associated antigens can now be produced in large quantities by monoclonal antibody technology
Primary Subject
Burchiel, S.W.; Rhodes, B.A. (eds.); 450 p; ISBN 0-444-00806-3; ; 1983; p. 395-407; Elsevier; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 2. International symposium on radioimaging; Albuquerque (USA); 4-6 Nov 1982; 2. Lovelace Medical Foundation symposium; Albuquerque (USA); 4-6 Nov 1982; 61 refs.; 6 figs.
Record Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue