Typomorphism and isomorphism of uranium hydroxides of the woelsendorfite group
[en] In oxidation zone of uranium deposit uranium hydroxides of the wolsendorfite group: calcuranoite, bauranoite, wolsendorfite and their varieties are studied. Chemical and microprobe analyses are carried out. It is established, that the minerals are encountered in the form of two generations. Early generation forms partial or complete pseudomorphosis over rich contrast pitchblende ores. The late one is encountered in the form of redeposited crystal aggregates in calcite-pitchblende streaks. Study in details of chemical composition of the group minerals permitted to establish the existence of a continuous isomorphous series with ultimate members calcuranoite and wolsendorfite with regular change in chemical and physical properties within the series. Existence of bauranoite-calcuranoite and bauranoite-wolsendorfite isomorphous series is assumed
Original Title
Tipomorfizm i izomorfizm gidrookislov urana gruppy velsendorfita
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya; ISSN 0321-1703; ; CODEN IANGA; (no.2); p. 65-70
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue