Instruments for non-destructive evaluation of advanced test reactor inpile tubes
Livingston, R.A.; Beller, L.S.; Edgett, S.M.
Idaho National Engineering Lab., Idaho Falls (USA)1986
Idaho National Engineering Lab., Idaho Falls (USA)1986
[en] The Advanced Test Reactor is a 250 MW LWR used primarily for irradiation testing of materials contained in inpile tubes that pass through the reactor core. These tubes provided the high pressure and temperature water environment required for the test specimens. The reactor cooling water surrounding the inpile tubes is at much lower pressure and temperature. The structural integrity of the inpile tubes is monitored by routine surveillance to ensure against unplanned reactor shutdowns to replace defective inpile tubes. The improved instruments developed for inpile tube surveillance include a bore profilometer, ultrasonic flaw detetion system and bore diameter gauges. The design and function of these improved instruments is presented
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1986; 12 p; Nuclear power plant maintenance meeting; Salt Lake City, UT (USA); 23-27 Mar 1986; CONF-860311--3; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE86007638; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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