Removal of cadmium and chromium ions by using slag media
[en] This study was carried out to investigate the feasibility and removal efficiency of Cd (II) and Cr(III) ions removal from the simulated wastewater solution by using slag media type filter. The results of the slag filter were compared to conventional sand filter at the point of view of effluent quality and removal performance. The obtained effective size and coefficient uniformity were 0.45mm and 1.67 in slag, 0.46mm and 1.35 in sand respectively. At pH 7, imulated wastewater, 100mg Cd/l was passed through both filter columns. The slag filter showed 60 to 80 percent removal efficiency of the initial Cd concentration, while the sand filter showed only 5 to 10 percent. Optimum pH value for Cd removal showed 7, obtained optimum back wash frequency of slag column was 1.5 times less than of sand. With the simulated wastewater having ionic concentration of pH 7 the removal efficiency of the slag column and metal concentration of 100ml/l revealed 99.7 percent during 62 hrs, while that of the sand column was 28.5 percent. (Author)
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Record Type
Journal Article
Bulletin of Environmental Sciences, Hanyang University; CODEN HKROD; v. 9 p. 23-32
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue