Isodose planning in afterloading contact therapy of non-operated uterus carcinomas using applicator tube and point source
[en] For afterloading in patients with cervical and endometrial carcinomas isodose plans are represented, standardized to the lengths of the uterus probes and adapted to the tumor stages, and are determined by an applicator tube located centrally within the uterine cavity. By an additional lead shield of the vaginal applicator dose reduction can be attained by the factor 1.6 or 1.4 in the critical organs bladder and rectum, which are relevant for this therapeutic form. An uncritical inclusion of the vagina into the target volume of contact therapy, not justified by tumor invasion, should not be carried out, because of the higher complication rate in critical organs. (author)
Original Title
Moeglichkeiten der Isodosengestaltung bei der Afterloading-Kontakttherapie von nichtoperierten Uteruskarzinomen mit einem Applikatorrohr und 'punktfoermiger' Strahlenquelle
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue