Segregation of alloying elements into the passive films on binary nickel alloys
Macdonald, D.D.; English, C.; Pallix, J.; Ben-Haim, M.
Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society fall meeting. Volume 88-2 (extended abstracts)1988
Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society fall meeting. Volume 88-2 (extended abstracts)1988
[en] The role of alloying elements in modifying the resistance of structural metals to general and local corrosion is not fully understood, to the extent that corrosion resistant alloys cannot be designed from first principles. The development of this capability must await more detailed knowledge of the structural and electronic properties of the thin passive films that grow on corrosion-resistant metals and alloys. In this study, the authors investigated the segregation of Al/sup 3+/, Ti/sup 4+/, and Mo/sup 6+/ into the passive films that form on the dilute binary alloys Ni-X(X-Al, Ti, Mo) under potentiostatic conditions
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Anon; vp; 1988; p. 173; The Electrochemical Society; Pennington, NJ (USA); Electrochemical Society fall meeting; Chicago, IL (USA); 9-14 Oct 1988
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