Description of the PISC III Round Robin Test on Cast Stainless Steel (CCSSRRT) and evaluation of results
[en] This report is the first technical report to arise from the PISC III project, and it is to be noted that there are some differences from the several reports issued in the PISC I and PISC II projects. The programme on which this report is based, the Centrifugally Cast stainless steel Round Robin Test (CCSSRRT), was designed to identify for further testing those procedures which showed the best promise for effective detection of thermal fatigue cracks while also effectively classifying correctly any innocuous indications. Part of the NDE testing plan, destructive examination, and data evaluation phase were commenced or planned before this programme was incorporated into the PISC III programme, and followed the pattern of the preceding Piping Inspection Round Robin (PIRR). Each of these phases was conducted in a somewhat different way from the procedures adopted in the PISC I and PISC II exercises. However, because the PISC III Management Board considered that the early completion of this work was essential to the establishment of the wider PISC III stainless steel programme, it should be completed as planned, and the results reported because of their general interest and importance. This was done even though the nature of the programme meant that the performance values reported have wide confidence limits. (author)
Primary Subject
5. International seminar on non-destructive examination in relation to structural integrity; Davos (Switzerland); 26-27 Aug 1987
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue