Correlations among underground installations data at the time of SN1987A outburst on 23 February 1987
Aglietta, M.; Badino, G.; Bologna, G.; Castagnoli, C.; Castellina, A.; Fulgione, W.; Galeotti, P.; Saavedra, O.; Trinchero, G.; Vernetto, S.
Weak and electromagnetic interactions in nuclei1989
Weak and electromagnetic interactions in nuclei1989
[en] The SN1987A explosion on the February 23, 1987, gave unique opportunity to see the correlation between the data of different underground installations. It is well known that 4 detectors - at Baksan (BST), Kamioka (K2) and Mont Blanc (LSD) laboratories, as well as the detector of Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven collaboration (IMB) were running, and these groups have reported on the existence of rare pulse bunches in their data
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Depommier, P. (ed.); 849 p; ISBN 2-86332-072-6; ; 1989; p. 753-756; Editions Frontieres; Gif-sur-Yvette (France); International Symposium on Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei (WEIN-89); Montreal, PQ (Canada); 15-19 May 1989
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