Study of radiation damages of metals by backscattering of channeling ions technique
[en] Method of backscattering of channeled ions is used to investigate evolution of Xe implanted ion distribution profiles, and also the accumulation and evolution of radiation defects produced in Ni single crystal (110) under irradiation with 630 KeV Xe+ and 300 KeV Kr+ ions to doses of 1x1015 to 5x1016 sm-2 and 5x1016 to 1x1017 sm-2, respectively, with a subsequent 100 deg C-step annealing in the temperature range from 20 to 1000 deg C
Original Title
Issledovanie metodom obratnogo rasseyaniya kanalirovannykh ionov radiatsionnoj povrezhdaemosti metallov
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Journal Article
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INIS IssueINIS Issue