[en] Radon escaping from soil into homes appears to present the single greatest source of radiation exposure that most people will ever face. The use of solid state nuclear tracks detectors (SSNTD) is one of the most convenient techniques to assess the average radiation levels of alpha activities in the environment. By using CR-39 and LR-115 detectors long term alpha activities have been investigated to be noticeable the concentrations of natural radionuclides and Rn-222 exhalation rate under different environmental conditions in Adana. The radon distributions have been measured in soils an in single houses and apartment buildings in various floors in the summer and winter time. The seasonal variation of the radon concentration measured by CR-39 and LR-115 displayed a correlation. (author). 25 refs, 2 tabs
Primary Subject
Tommasino, L. (Direzione Sicurezza Nucleare e Protezione Sanitaria, ENEA, Rome (Italy)); Furlan, G. (Trieste Univ. (Italy)); Khan, H.A. (Pakistan Inst. of Nuclear Science and Technology, Islamabad (Pakistan). Nuclear Engineering Div.); Monnin, M. (Blaise Pascal Univ., 63 - Aubiere (France)) (eds.); International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy); 631 p; ISBN 981-02-0187-7; ; 1990; p. 469-478; World Scientific; Singapore (Singapore); International workshop on radon monitoring in radioprotection, environmental radioactivity and earth sciences; Trieste (Italy); 3-14 Apr 1989
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