Langevin dynamics simulations of large frustrated Josephson junction arrays
Groenbech-Jensen, N.; Bishop, A.R.; Lomdahl, P.S.
Proceedings, phenomenology and applications of high temperature superconductors1991
Proceedings, phenomenology and applications of high temperature superconductors1991
[en] Long-time Langevin dynamics simulations of large (N x N,N = 128) 2-dimensional arrays of Josephson junctions in a uniformly frustrating external magnetic field are reported. The results demonstrate: (1) Relaxation from an initially random flux configuration as a universal fit to a glassy stretched-exponential type of relaxation for the intermediate temperatures T(0.3 Tc approx-lt T approx-lt 0.7 Tc), and an activated dynamic behavior for T ∼ Tc; (2) a glassy (multi-time, multi-length scale) voltage response to an applied current. Intrinsic dynamical symmetry breaking induced by boundaries as nucleation sites for flux lattice defects gives rise to transverse and noisy voltage response
Bedell, K.S.; Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States); 527 p; 1991; p. 511-516; Phenomenology and applications of high temperature superconductivity; Los Alamos, NM (United States); 22-24 Aug 1991; CONF-9108140--; OSTI as DE92011133; NTIS; INIS
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Conference; Numerical Data
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