Galvanomagnetic properties of molybdenum monocrystals by static skin effect in strong magnetic fields
[en] Anisotropy and field dependences of transverse magnetoresistance and Hall resistance of molybdenum monocrystals with ρ293,2k/ρ4,2K ∼ 3200 were measured in magnetic fields 0,8-15 Tl at T=4,2 K. Drastic statistic skin-effect where density of direct electric current at crystal surface more than by a factor of 102 exceeded current density in it's volume was shown to occur in molybdenum monocrystals in strong magnetic fields. Hall factor linearly increased with magnetic field ehnancement under static skin-effect. The process was similar to high-pure tungsten monocrystals
Original Title
Gal'vanomagnitnye svojstva monokristallov molibdena pri staticheskom skin-ehffekte v sil'nykh magnitnykh polyakh
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue