[en] New approaches in the production of longer-lived radionuclides have occurred, and in the ten last years some excellent progress reports have been updated and published. Because of the growing number of data, however, it becomes more and more difficult to present general overviews, consequently the trends is towards specialization. (author) 18 refs
Primary Subject
Weinreich, R. (ed.); Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland); PSI-Proceedings 92-01; 286 p; 1992; p. 50-51; 4. international workshop on targetry and target chemistry; Villigen (Switzerland); 9-12 Sep 1991; ISSN 1019-6447;
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue