[en] Undoubtedly coal is at present being offered in sufficient quantities and at low prices on the world market. Due to the increase in populations and growing industrialisation, World energy consumption and therefore coal consumption, will rise dramatically. World reserves, energy consumption and other economic data are clearly shown. (DG)
Original Title
Kohle im Ueberfluss - ueber Angebot und Nachfrage auf dem Weltkohlenmarkt
Primary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany); 201 p; ISBN 3-926956-12-7; ; 1992; p. 155-172; INFORUM Verl; Bonn (Germany); Winter meeting of Deutsches Atomforum e.V. (DAtF): Nuclear energy - perspectives for Germany; Wintertagung des Deutschen Atomforums e.V. (DAtF): Kernenergie - Perspektiven fuer Deutschland; Bonn (Germany); 28-29 Jan 1992
Record Type
Literature Type
Country of publication
Descriptors (DEI)
Descriptors (DEC)
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue