[en] A great complex of work has been performed in the Soviet Union in the field of small nuclear power engineering. The experimental small nuclear power plants TES-3, ARBUS and VK-50 have been created. the Bilibinskaya nuclear heat and power plant (NHHP) has been built in the remote North region of the Chukot Peninsula. At the current stage, activities in the field of small nuclear power engineering are aimed at creation of small nuclear power plants (SNPP) capable to supply electricity and heat to the consumers located in isolated, underdeveloped, remote, inaccessible regions. At the SNPP it is envisaged to use specially designed reactors. Safety concept, technical solutions and other measures provided in these reactor designs make it possible to ensure their excellent features. These features are the key ones when determining the expediency of SNPP creation and utilization. (author). 4 refs., 1 tab
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Sekimoto, H. (ed.) (Tokyo Inst. of Tech. (Japan). Research Lab. of Nuclear Reactor); 420 p; ISBN 0 444 89432 2; ; 1992; p. 79-88; Elsevier; Amsterdam (Netherlands); Sr/TiT: International Specialists' Meeting on Potential of Small Nuclear Reactors for Future Clean and Safe Energy Sources; Tokyo (Japan); 23-25 Oct 1991; Available from Elsevier Science Publishers, P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam (NL)
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