Uranium solubility and solubility controls in selected Needle's Eye groundwaters
Falck, W.E.; Hooker, P.J.
British Geological Survey, Keyworth (United Kingdom). Fluid Processes Research Group1992
British Geological Survey, Keyworth (United Kingdom). Fluid Processes Research Group1992
[en] The British Geological Survey (BGS) has been co-ordinating a research programme centred on the Needle's Eye natural analogue site in Dumfries and Galloway District, southwest Scotland. This study of a natural radioactive geochemical system has been carried out with the aim of improving confidence in using geochemical and predictive models of radionuclide (uranium) migration in the geosphere. The Needle's Eye site is located on the Solway Coat within the Southwick Coast Reserve of the Scottish Wildlife Trust who gave permission to sample for soils, sediments and waters for analysis. This report is one of a series and covers the period from June 1989 to June 1990. It presents the results of applying the PHREEQE code to the hydrochemistry of the site using the CHEMVAL thermodynamic database. (author)
Primary Subject
Jan 1992; 24 p; DOE-HMIP-RR--91.008; CONTRACT PECD-7/9/512; Available from B.G.S., Keyworth, Nottingham, NG1 5GG. Price Pound 9.00
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