Evaluation of the organisation and quality of emission and immission monitoring of nuclear installations in the GDR, as compared to the objectives of the 'Directive for emission and immission monitoring of nuclear installations'
Marschner, P.; Martinek, K.; Ettenhuber, E.
Eighth experts meeting on environmental radioactivity monitoring: Technical and organisational means for an optimised measurement of ambient radioactivity in the environment of nuclear facilities1991
Eighth experts meeting on environmental radioactivity monitoring: Technical and organisational means for an optimised measurement of ambient radioactivity in the environment of nuclear facilities1991
[en] In the past, environmental monitoring of the facilities was done in accordance with the 'Directive for environmental monitoring of nuclear installations' of the GDR. In order to promote the process of establishing a harmonized German procedure of environmental monitoring, the former system is presented and is discussed from the viewpoint of the German 'Guideline for environmental monitoring of nuclear installations. (orig./DG)
Original Title
Bewertung der Organisation und der Ergebnisse der Emissions- und Immissionsueberwachung von in der DDR betriebenen Kernanlagen aus der Sicht der ''Richtlinie zur Emissions- und Immissionsueberwachung kerntechnischer Anlagen''
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany); Bundesgesundheitsamt, Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene; 461 p; 1991; p. 74-84; Experts meeting on environmental radioactivity monitoring: Technical and organisational means for an optimised measurement of ambient radioactivity in the environment of nuclear facilities; 8. Fachgespraech zur Ueberwachung der Umweltradioaktivitaet: Technische und Organisatorische Massnahmen zur Optimierten Ermittlung der Strahlenexposition in der Umgebung Kerntechnischer Anlagen; Berlin (Germany); 24-26 Oct 1990
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