External costs of electricity production under scrutiny
Wagner, H.J.; Melchert, A.
Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitaetswerke e.V. (VDEW), Frankfurt am Main (Germany)1993
Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitaetswerke e.V. (VDEW), Frankfurt am Main (Germany)1993
[en] After a short introduction into the problems and questions surrounding the issue of external costs Chapter 2 presents the most important results of the studies under review and analysis in this work. Occasionally, minor discrepancies were found between the results given in the summary of a study and the data reported in the relevant chapters. Chapter 3 identifies and discusses differences in perspective between the studies under consideration. Chapter 4 analyses the most important premises and parameters adopted in the studies for the calculation of overall costs and net benefits of the different modes of electricity production. This serves to probe the reliability of the data, plausibility of the premises, and nature of the presupposed relationships. Chapter 5 examines the relationships of time assumed in the studies and gives a first comment on the more advanced Prognos study. Chapter 6, finally, offers a summarizing evaluation. (orig./UA)
Original Title
Auf dem Pruefstand: Externe Kosten der Stromerzeugung
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Energiewirtschaftliche Studien; v. 4; 1993; 51 p; VWEW-Verl; Frankfurt am Main (Germany); ISBN 3-8022-0397-6;
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue