[en] Geothermal energy is a topic much discussed for its merits in terms of energy and environment. One application option may be the utilization of thermal waters of 40-100 C temperature for heating rooms and domestic/industrial water in Northeastern Germany. The use of the geothermal energy potential of thermal waters, however, depends from the existence of appropriate geological conditions like horizon, reservoir, temperature and chemistry. The experience gained in East Germany, indicates that any decision to be taken for the utilization of geothermal energy needs to be based on an in-depth analysis of the geological conditions down to 2,000 m and below by means of deep drilling and mining exploration. (BWI)
Original Title
Erdwaerme fuer das Ruhrgebiet - Chancen fuer die Technik aus den neuen Bundeslaendern?
Primary Subject
Stadt Dortmund (Germany); 142 p; Sep 1992; p. 81-88; Colloquium on renewable energy sources and urban development: Potential municipal uses of renewable energy sources, a case study of the city of Dortmund; Kolloquium ueber Erneuerbare Energien und Stadtentwicklung: Einsatzmoeglichkeiten fuer Erneuerbare Energien auf Kommunaler Ebene, Dargestellt am Beispiel Dortmund; Dortmund (Germany); 9-11 Sep 1992; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue