Modeling a nielsbohrium (element 107) on-line gas phase separation procedure with rhenium
Schaedel, M.; Jaeger, E.; Schimpf, E.; Bruechle, W.
Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung mbH, Darmstadt (Germany)1994
Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung mbH, Darmstadt (Germany)1994
[en] As a basis for future heavy element experiments off-line tracer studies with rhenium have been carried out to model the chemical behavior of nielsbohrium (element 107) in thermochromatographic separations with oxygen as a reactive gas. A specific version of the On-Line Gas Phase Separation Apparatus, OLGA, has been developed to perform on-line chemical separations of short-lived products from heavy ion nuclear reactions, and to enable α-spectroscopic measurements of the separated products after condensation on thin foils. (orig.)
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Sep 1994; 21 p
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