Migration of radionuclides in soils of the ChNPP 30-km zone
Gul'din, A.N.; Kuklev, V.F.; Maksimenkov, N.N.; Tikhomirov, F.A.; Shcheglov, A.I.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 5. Part 1. Migration and state of radioisotopes in the nature1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 5. Part 1. Migration and state of radioisotopes in the nature1989
[en] Data on vertical distribution of radioactive isotopes on upper horisons of soil of the ChNPP 30-km zone were presented for different areas. The analysis of the depth of radionuclide migrations in soil depending on characteristics of soils, landscape, contamination level was given. 4 refs
Original Title
Migratsiya radionuklidov v pochkvakh 30-km zony ChAEhS
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 266 p; 1989; p. 127-133; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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