Dynamics of redistribution and variation of radionuclide forms in soils
Meshalkin, G.S.; Arkhipov, A.N.; Arkhipov, A.P.; Tursukova, T.A.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 5. Part 1. Migration and state of radioisotopes in the nature1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 5. Part 1. Migration and state of radioisotopes in the nature1989
[en] It is shown that vast part of radionuclides are located in upper (0-3 cm) level of soil. Fundamental differences in migration of dissimilar radionuclides in soils were not recognized. Essential increasing radionuclide migration will not be expected in the immediate years. Maximum absolute amounts of dissolved cesium-137 will be reached in soils of the zone in 25-40 years, then its amount will be decreased. The level of 1987 year radionuclide migration will be reached within 140-220 years. 1 fig., 7 tabs
Original Title
Dinamika pereraspredeleniya i izmeneniya form sostoyaniya radionuklidov v pochvakh
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 266 p; 1989; p. 160-169; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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