[en] In its decision of 7 June 1994 - 10 S 1538/93 the Higher Administrative Court of Mannheim had to deal with several petitions for resumption of a procedure made final on 7 June 1991 with the intent of bringing about the decommissioning of Obrigheim nuclear power plant. In these actions for restitution on the part of private complainants it was claimed that the Federal Administrative Court would have come to a more favourable decision for the complainants if it had known of certain, specified, documents at the time of its decision in 1991. The complainants themselves claimed not to have had access to these documents until after the Federal Administrative Court's decision. The Higher Administrative Court considered the objections put forward insufficient for resuming the procedure and dismissed the petition without granting the appeal. (HP)
Original Title
Kernenergie: VGH Mannheim zum Kernkraftwerk Obrigheim
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue