[en] For the title differentiation a method has been developed to differentiate the total calculated external costs per means of transportation, region, inside and outside the built-up area and type of goods in the Netherlands. Attention is paid to the external effects energy consumption, air polluting emissions, noise pollution and unsafety in traffic. The external values have been assessed, following two methods by which national external costs can be determined. However, the results of the two methods show considerable differences. From the differentiation of external costs per vehicle type it appears that road traffic is responsible for the major part of the external costs, in particular heavy trucks (50%). In the Dutch provinces Gelderland and Noord-Brabant much passing traffic takes place, which explains the relatively high external costs in these provinces outside the built-up regions. The transport of the category 'other goods' shows the highest external costs. The external costs of the transportation of goods, expressed as a percentage of the value of the products is for almost all the types of goods less than 1%. 21 figs., 23 tabs., 2 appendices, 26 refs
Original Title
Differentiatie van de externe kosten van het Nederlandse goederenvervoer: Eindrapport
Primary Subject
Jan 1994; 70 p; Available from Centrum voor Energiebesparing en schone technologie, Oude Delft 180, 2622 HH Delft (Netherlands); The study on the title subject has been carried out by order of the Advisory Service Traffic and Transport (AVV) of the Dutch Minstry of Transport and Communications (V and W).
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue