Experimental investigation of high-current low-pressure quasi-stationary discharge in magnetic field
[en] A possibility is shown of obtaining some kinds of a quasi-stationary low-pressure high-power discharge in a magnetic field. Existence regions and modes of two kinds of the discharge in the crossed ExH fields are investigated. the discharge kinds are characterized by substantially the greater densities of the cathode current in comparison with the known discharges of this type upon conservation of the noncontacted structure of the plasma and cathode layer. The high-voltage kind is characterized by the burning voltage 450-1000 V and current to 250 A. The low-voltage kind, observed for the first, has the voltage 75-120 V, current to 1800 A and existence time of 1.5 ms. 14 refs.; 6 figs.; 2 tabs
Original Title
Ehksperimental'noe issledovanie sil'notochnykh form kvazistatsionarnogo razryada nizkogo davleniya v magnitnom pole
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue