[en] Canada's oil sands deposits were considered to offer huge potential for wealth generation and enduring social benefits. This report showed that putting in action the plan developed by the National Task Force on Oil Sands Strategies would help unlock this potential and realize the benefits; the forecast called for a doubling or tripling of oil sands production over the next 25 years. The plan should also predicted an increase in investments in oil sands since the fiscal regime would be stable and the product would be in increasing demand. New capital investment should generate significant environmental, social and economic benefits. The real outcome would be increased national prosperity, since further growth in investment would translate into thousands of skilled jobs across Canada, expansion of government revenues, and improvements to Canada's trade balance. 1 ill
Primary Subject
1995; 58 p; ISBN 1-896532-00-4; ; Available from Alberta Chamber of Resources, Suite 1410 Oxford Tower, 10235-101 St., Edmonton, Alta., T5J 3G1; At head of title: Comprehensive report.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue