Two-body photodisintegration of the deuteron from 100 to 800 MeV
Crawford, R.; Ahrens, J.; Altieri, S.; Annand, J.R.M.; Anthony, I.; Audit, G.; Beck, R.; Braghieri, A.; D'Hose, N.; Hall, S.; Isbert, V.; Kellie, J.D.; Kerhoas, S.; MacCormick, M.; MacGeorge, J.C.; Medaglia, R.; Miller, G.J.; Murphy, L.Y.; Owens, R.O.; Pedroni, P.; Pinelli, T.; Tamas, G.; Wallace, P.A.1996
[en] The total and the differential cross sections for the D(γ,p)n reaction have been measured over the photon energy range 100-800 MeV at the 855 MeV MAMI Microtron in Mainz. Using the large acceptance detector DAPHNE in conjunction with the Glasgow tagging spectrometer, high precision results with small systematic errors were obtained. The data are presented in the form of thirty-five angular distributions at c.m. proton angles between 30 circle -160 circle in 10 circle intervals and at photon energies in steps of 20 MeV. Previous experimental work is reassessed in the light of the present results and comparison with some recent theoretical calculations. (orig.)
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