Mechanisms of bacteria resistance to the effect of electromagnetic radiation development and implementation of combined radiation methods of sterilization
Samojlenko, I.I.; Rakitskaya, G.A.; Kaushanskij, D.A.
Radiobiological congress. Abstracts. Part 31993
Radiobiological congress. Abstracts. Part 31993
[en] Short communication
Original Title
Mekhanizmy ustojchivosti bakterij k dejstviyu ehlektromagnitnykh izluchenij i razrabotka kombinirovannykh radiatsionnykh tekhnologij sterilizatsii
Primary Subject
Gaziev, A.I. (ed.); 399 p; ISBN 5-201-10577-7; ; 1993; p. 884; Pushchinskij Nauchnyj Tsentr; Pushchino (Russian Federation); Radiobiological congress; Radiobiologicheskij sezd; Kiev (Ukraine); 20-25 Sep 1993
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