[en] The use of energy in Sweden is a history of changes. The electricity production has changed from oil and hydropower to nuclear and hydropower. Today's supply consists of almost 50% hydropower and 50% nuclear power. (author)
Primary Subject
Zervos, A. (ed.) (National Technical University of Athens (Greece)); Ehmann, H.; Helm, P. (WIP, Munich (Germany)) (eds.); 1111 p; ISBN 0 9521452 9 4; ; 1996; p. 45-48; 1996 European wind energy conference and exhibition; Goeteborg (Sweden); 20-24 May 1996; Available from H.S. Stephens and Associates, Pavenham Road, Felmersham, Bedford MK43 7EX, price Pound 130.00
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue