Characteristics of photomultipliers FEhU-115 M for electromagnetic calorimeter of PHENIX set-up
[en] An automated bench for measuring the main characteristics of the FEhU-115 M photomultipliers used in the electromagnetic calorimeter of the PHENIX facility is described. Techniques for measurements of the linearity range of the output pulse anode current, amplification coefficient of a photomultiplier, the photocathode sensitivity nonuniformity and its quantum efficiency are considered. The following values of the FEhU-115 M main characteristics are obtained: the mean quantum efficiency is 13,6%, the minimum limit of the output signal linearity is 40 m A and the mean nonuniformity of the photocathode sensitivity is 3.4%
Original Title
Kharakteristiki fotoumnozhiteley FEhU-115M dlya ehelktromagnitnogo kalorimetra ustanovki FENIKS
4 refs., 8 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue