Gallium removal from weapons-grade plutonium and cerium oxide surrogate by a thermal technique
Park, Y.S.; Kolman, D.G.; Ziraffe, H.; Haertling, C.; Butt, D.P.
Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXII. Materials Research Society symposium proceedings: Volume 5561999
Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXII. Materials Research Society symposium proceedings: Volume 5561999
[en] Currently, there is interest in fissioning weapons-grade plutonium in nuclear reactors, making use of its valuable energy while at the same time reducing certain dangers associated with its potential for nuclear weapons proliferation. In the process of dismantling nuclear weapons, the US intends to convert much of the Pu metal to oxide. This process yields a PuO2-x powder that potentially can be incorporated into mixed oxide nuclear fuel (MOX), a mixture of PuO2 and UO2. This paper describes the process of gallium removal from Ga2O3-doped CeO2-x, a surrogate for weapons-grade PuO2-x. Gallium is removed from the surrogate feedstock material using thermal techniques. An Ar-6% H2 gas was used in order to reduce the oxide to gaseous Ga2O. Experimental results were shown in the temperature range of 600 C to 1,200 C as a function of time and sample geometry. The results to date have shown that CeO2-x is a very good surrogate for PuO2-x
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Wronkiewicz, D.J.; Lee, J.H. (eds.); Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States); 1355 p; ISBN 1-55899-462-9; ; ISSN 0272-9172; ; 1999; p. 129-134; Materials Research Society; Warrendale, PA (United States); 1998 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting; Boston, MA (United States); 30 Nov - 4 Dec 1998; Also available from Materials Research Society, 506 Keystone Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086 (US); $89.00
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