Electrostatic plasma turbulence and Spitzer longitudinal conductivity in tokamaks
[en] It is established, that three principally different types of the plasma stationary states may be realized in tokamaks: 1) the discharges, wherein the electron and ion channels are subjected to the neoclassical theory; 2) the charges, wherein the longitudinal conductivity is the Spitzer one the ions are neoclassical and the electron channel is anomalous; 3) the discharges, wherein the ion and electron channels are anomalous. The nondimensional parameters, responsible for realizing each of three types of charges are determined. It follows from the realization criteria for the various types of states, that the second-type discharges are most typical for the tokamaks with modern parameters. The physical cause of originating various-type discharges consists in the principally different role of turbulent fluctuations in the dynamics of the ion and electron components of the finite-size magnetized plasma. The problem on the profiles self-congruence is considered. The law of the temperature conductivity coefficient growth by approaching the plasma string periphery is determined
Original Title
Ehlektrostaticheskaya turbulentnost' plazmy i spittserovskaya prodol'naya provodimost' v tokamake
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16 refs.
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Journal Article
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