Response characteristics of pMOS dosimeter with the stacked structure of pMOSFETs
[en] The author has investigated the irradiation response of the stacked structure of pMOS radiation sensitive field effect transistors which susceptibility is obviously higher than that of single pMOSFET. The differences of response sensitivity, linearity and stability are compared between two stacked modes: Single substrate and individual substrate. As well as between two bias during irradiation; 0V and read-out bias (constant source inject). The results show that stacked structure with single substrate have higher sensitivity than that with individual substrate, and the response under read-out bias has high sensitivity, linearity and stability. The re-use of pMOS dosimeter with stacked structure also has been studied. It is found that the sensitivity and linearity of the response of second radiation are higher than that of first radiation
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology; ISSN 0258-0934; ; v. 20(6); p. 420-423, 436
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