[en] In the medical field, the oxidation phenomenon is the source of several pathologies (diabetes, cystic fibrosis, cancers,...). The natural oxidants are used as food preserving and skin ageing moderators. Several plant extracts with antioxidant activity were studied, this important antioxidant activity is probably due to their richness of compounds: polyphenols, phenolic acids, tocopherols, carotenoids, flavonoids,... Many techniques for evaluation and reactional mechanism study of the antioxidative activity are used. After selection, extraction, fractionation, activity screening, chemical analyses of molecules contained in the best active extracts, biological properties research of isolated redox pharmacophore, we have : - determined the structure of active products by spectroscopy and chromatography; - studied the antioxidative properties by EPR and spin trapping of the obtained extracts and molecules. The results of this first part of our work consists in evaluating the antioxidative degree of a great number of natural active principles, extracted from moroccan plants and pur obtained products. The second part consists in studying the action mechanisms using the LDL labelling (F. M.)
Original Title
Application des techniques radiobiologiques a l'etude des mecanismes d'action des antioxydants: evaluation de leurs activites radioprotectrices, antioxydantes, antivirales
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Association des Ingenieurs en Genie Atomique du Maroc, Rabat (Morocco). Funding organisation: Association des Ingenieurs en Genie Atomique du Maroc, Rabat (Morocco); 36 p; 11 Mar 2000; p. 25; Information day on nuclear techniques for life sciences; Journee d'information sur les techniques nucleaires au service des sciences du vivant; Rabat (Morocco); 11 Mar 2000; Available from Association des Ingenieurs en Genie Atomique du Maroc, Rabat (MA)
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