Determination of ''2''1''0Po in fertilizers by electrochemical deposition method
Oezalp, N.; Sac, M.; Tanbay, A.; Yener, G.
Presentations of the 1. Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application. Vol.12001
Presentations of the 1. Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application. Vol.12001
[en] In this study, activities of radioactive polonium and natural radionuclide concentrations in fertilizer most consumed in agricultural lands in Turkey were measured. Fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium increase yield and quality. But, they contain some radionuclides. These radionuclides dissolve in water and first transport into plants and then transport from plants to humans. In the latest years, artificial fertilizing has replaced natural fertilizing in agriculture. Therefore, fruits and vegetables contain radionuclides those are found in artificial fertilizers. In this study, electrochemical deposition technique with alpha counting method was used for determining the radioactivity level of polonium in fertilizers. Radium, potassium and thorium concentrations were measured by gamma spectrometry. TSP, MAP, DSP,MKP, (15-15-15), (18-18-18), (20-20-20) compost fertilizers consumed at most has been analyzed and the results were evaluated with respect to human health
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Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, Ankara (Turkey); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris (France); State Planning Organization, Ankara (Turkey); Ege University, Izmir (Turkey); Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbekistan Academy of Science, Taskent (Uzbekistan); National Acedemy of Science of Kyrgyzstan, Biskek (Kyrgyzstan); Institute of Nuclear Physics of National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Academy of Science of Azerbaijan, Baku (Azerbaijan); 642 p; ISBN 975-19-2768-4; ; 2001; p. 448-453; 1. Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application; 1. Avrasya Nuekleer Bilimler ve Uygulamalari Konferansi; Izmir (Turkey); 23-27 Oct 2000; Available from Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, Ankara (Turkey)
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