Researches on new photocathode for RF electron gun
Zhao Kui; Hao Jiankui; Tang Yuxing; Zhao Kun; Wang Lifang; Zhang Baocheng; Chen Jiaer, E-mail:
[en] Semiconductor photocathode and metal photocathode have different properties. To consider the properties of both, we studied a new type of photocathode - ion implanted photocathode. Cesium ions are implanted into a metal substrate. A photocathode preparation chamber is set up to make this photocathode. A cesium ion source is attached to the common photocathode preparation chamber. In the past two years, we finished making this photocathode and did research on its properties. A series of experiments have been done with different metal substrates, implanting dosages and implanting energies, in order to get a kind of photocathode material with high quantum efficiency and good stability. An increase of quantum efficiency after implantation has been observed. A more interesting result is that the emission spectrum becomes broader
Primary Subject
S0168900200000905; Copyright (c) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 445(1-3); p. 394-398
Country of publication
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