Preparation of conductive membranes using poly pyrrole
Madaeni, S.; Khavaran, B.
Razi University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kermanshah (Iran, Islamic Republic of)2003
Razi University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kermanshah (Iran, Islamic Republic of)2003
[en] Conductive membranes show many benefits including fouling reduction for feeds containing ionic species. These membranes may be prepared either by conductive polymers or coating of the surfaces of non-conductive membranes with conductive polymer. In this research, the commercial micro filtration GVHP membrane manufactured from PVDF was coated with poly pyrrole using two different techniques. The conductivity of the prepared membranes was measured. In this paper, effects of various factors including concentration of the solutions, oxidizing agents, time for leaving the support in the solutions, support type and temperature on membrane conductivity were investigated
Original Title
Tahiye-ye ghesha'ha-ye resana ba estefadeh az polypirole
Primary Subject
Available from Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
Record Type
Journal Article
Polymer Science and Technology; ISSN 1016-3255; ; v. 15(no.6); p. 355-366
Country of publication
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